A new virus varian has been found in maya world. Within 3 months, this virus has infected 4,5 million computer. This virus, named TDL-4, categorized as trojan. It rumoured that this virus can't be erased.
TDL-4 infected your master boot record, and it can run just before you turn your PC on. Master boot record is first sector - known as Sector O - in a hard drive. In that place TDL-4 located, that's why antivirus and opreation system cannot detect it.
But that was not only TDL-4 secret weapon. It lethal weapon is the most encrypted combination and the usage of public peer-to-peer network to send instruction to TDL-4 from their control server.
Some great virus like Conficker and Coreflood has been controlled, but after their defeats, it seems that their creator make a new varian of virus which is stronger and harder to erased and detected in your PC system: TDL-4.
The creator of TDL-4 has created their own logarithm encryption. Then TDL-4 will use domain name from controller server as a key to a encryption.
TDL-4 was also using public network to communicate between infected computer dan controller server, in a closed route that they made. So if police took control their line, they will still have alternative line.
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