Sunday, July 10, 2011

168-year-old is done

Largest weekly-tabloid in UK, News of the World, a 168-year-old tabloid, has run down amid tapping scandal telephone which done by them. Today's edition will be their last.

In the front page, 48-pages tabloid, they put photos of their latest edition. Meanwhile in the back page they put their editorial staff. Today is their 8.674th edition.

According to 
News of the World Editorial in Chief, Colin Myler, their last edition was an appreciation for about 7.5 million loyal reader and all staff. "this is a very dark day for the staff, where actually we don't want and not supposed to be like this", Editor in Chief said.

This tabloid were involved in a tapping scandal, they tapped Milly Dowler cell-phone - a student who died in a murder. News of the World were also believed tapped every cell-phone of London bombing tragedy in July 7, 2005.

In 2006, two News of the World' staff detained for accusation of illegal tapping. News of the World was owned by Rupert Murdoch, a Director of News International. In the early beginning, Murdoch taught that this case was only related to one reporter; he was proven wrong.

According to Murdoch in an interview, income from their last edition would be contributed to social organization. There were no commercial page in this last edition, all commercial page will be filled with non-profit organization and for humanity purpose.

News International hasn't decided yet whether The Sun - biggest daily news in UK, which is owned by Murdoch - will still be published 7 times a week, said a News International spokesman.

All this time, The Sun only published 6 days, until saturday. With the closing of News of The World, rumoured that The Sun will also published in sunday.

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